Preventing Unwanted Google Calls: A Guide for Small Business Owners

Ever felt like you’re getting one too many calls from Google about your business? You’re not alone. Many small business owners face the same predicament, and it’s not only disruptive, but it can also feel invasive.

Key Takeaways

  • Google typically contacts businesses for verification or marketing purposes. Verification calls ensure the accuracy of service data, while marketing calls focus on promoting Google’s advertising services.
  • Discerning genuine Google calls from scams is essential. Google addresses the call’s purpose promptly without any request for payment or unexpected business verification calls.
  • To deter unwanted Google calls, consider registering your phone number on the Do Not Call List managed by the Federal Trade Commission.
  • Another measure to manage Google calls is by adjusting your Google My Business settings to opt-out of certain Google services.
  • Utilizing call blocking features in phones can also help manage the calls, knowing that email is Google’s primary communication tool with businesses.
  • Establishing an automated call management system and training staff to handle persistent callers are alternative strategies to manage unwanted calls. Integrated VoIP systems can enhance call management with features like tailored responses.
  • It’s crucial to understand legal rights regarding unsolicited calls protected under regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Companies respect your requests to stop calls.
  • If unwanted Google calls persist despite your request to stop, report to authorities like the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or your state’s attorney general. Noting down the details of each call could serve as potential evidence.

Understanding Why Google Calls Your Business

Presenting a clear understanding of why Google might call your business is pivotal. It helps churn the misconception wheel and replace confusion with clarity. Be cognizant, Google only makes calls to your business for a specific set of reasons.

Identifying the Types of Calls

Classification of calls from Google to a business predominantly falls into two categories: verification and marketing purposes.

  • Verification Calls: Google takes the integrity of its data seriously. A Google business verification call is simply a part of the process to ensure the accuracy of the service made available to its users. For instance, Google may place a call to verify business hours, location, or other relevant information. Refrain from feeling confused or threatened during such operations, as these are part of Google’s standard operating protocol.
  • Marketing Calls: Google sometimes initiates calls to businesses to advertise its AdWords service. In contrast to verification calls, these aren’t obligatory for your business operation. Instead, these are to inform and showcase how Google’s advertising services may be beneficial to your business growth.

Distinguishing Between Scammers and Genuine Google Calls

In an unfortunate turn of events, scammers are increasingly posing as Google representatives. They employ sophisticated tactics to acquire business sensitive information or to merely cause disruption. Discerning a genuine Google call from a scam can seem challenging, but it’s not impossible.

  • Announced Purpose: Keep in mind, Google addresses the reason for the call promptly. If it’s a verification, they specify what they’re seeking to verify. For marketing, they communicate that it’s an AdWords service presentation.
  • No Request for Payment: Google doesn’t ask for payment over call. Scammers, on the other hand, often pressure you for immediate payment or sensitive financial data.
  • No Surprise Calls: Google doesn’t place unexpected business verification calls. Unless you’re in the process of verifying or updating your business details on Google My Business, expect no verification calls. Using a reliable service like Revulab to manage your reviews and local SEO can also help alleviate these concerns.

Steps to Stop Unwanted Calls from Google

The constant disruptive calls from representatives claiming to be from Google could certainly be a hassle for many. Here are a few measures I’ve found to effectively ward off these unwanted disturbances.

Registering on the Do Not Call List

The first measure involves putting your contact number on the Do Not Call List. The Federal Trade Commission manages this list, and it prohibits certain types of telemarketing calls. However, keep in mind, it doesn’t guarantee total relief from calls claiming to be from Google. Therefore, include this step as part of a broader approach to tackling the issue.

To register, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Do Not Call List website.
  2. Enter the phone number to be registered.
  3. Check your inbox for a confirmation email.

The process is simple, but crucial.

Adjusting Your Google My Business Settings

Secondly, I recommend closely managing your Google My Business settings. By opting out of certain Google services, it’s possible to significantly reduce the number of unwanted calls. To make these settings adjustments, first access the Google My Business page and then enter the respective settings tab.

Here’s the process:

  1. Click on ‘Settings’.
  2. Unclick ‘allow Google to communicate’ checkbox.
  3. Save your settings.

Remember, even as marketing calls could drop after this, verification calls may still come through.

Utilizing Call Blocking Features

Lastly, make full use of the call blocking features present in most phones. Block specific numbers that frequently spam you with unwanted calls. Remember, Google’s primary tool to communicate with businesses is email, not calls.

In practice, it looks like this:

  1. On a received call from the unwanted number, click ‘info’ or ‘details’.
  2. Click ‘block number’.

I hope these three practical steps bring some relief to your busy day. And remember, should you need any assistance with managing or generating reviews, reach out to a reliable partner like Revulab. They are experts in the area, and can certainly help your local SEO efforts. Communication with Google may be overwhelming sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be a constant disturbance.

Alternative Strategies to Manage Unwanted Calls

Transitioning from the conventional methods discussed prior, let’s delve into some alternative strategies.

Setting Up an Automated Call Management System

Establishing an automated call management system provides an effective solution, limiting the disruptions high call volumes from Google or other sources pose. Firstly, instituting a digital receptionist service effectively answers, routes, and even blocks specific callers. Notably, services like Grasshopper and RingCentral offer these capabilities. Secondly, employing a virtual private branch exchange (PBX) system allows comprehensive control of incoming calls, and with this capability, businesses have the power to dictate how calls from Google get handled. Lastly, integrating a VoIP system enhances call management capacities by adding features such as caller ID recognition and tailored responses for specific numbers.

Syncing these systems with third-party applications, such as Revulab, can ensure seamless handling of reviews and bolster your local SEO strategy.

Training Staff on Handling Persistent Callers

In situations where automated systems fall short, competent human interaction becomes vital. Training staff members not only on their regular duties but additionally on managing persistent callers can be of great help.

Primarily, employees need to differentiate between legitimate Google calls and potential scams. They can achieve this by understanding the common themes of scam calls. Secondly, inform them about registered numbers with Google to ensure incoming calls from these are prioritized. Similarly, encouraging staff to remain patient, diligent, and firm in the face of persistent callers mitigates the possibility of scams.

To facilitate this learning process, develop a training module highlighting these aspects. This module must contain a comprehensive list of ‘red flags,’ key phrases indicating a scam call. In addition, guide them on how to engage with persistent callers without divulging sensitive information. For instance, keeping responses vague yet firm minimizes risk.

Whatever the approach, managing calls, especially Google verification and marketing calls, plays a crucial role in running a hassle-free business. Incorporating these strategies into standard business practices epitomizes effective communication management.

Remember, exploring different strategies and integrating practical solutions enables your business to minimize disruptions and focus on growth. By successfully employing these strategies, your business becomes an unassailable fortress in the face of unwanted calls.

Legal and Privacy Considerations

As a local SEO expert for RevuLab, a SAAS platform for managing reviews, I’m well aware of the legal and privacy aspects of handling unsolicited calls, particularly from Google. Two key areas to consider are understanding your rights and effectively reporting potential violations.

Understanding Your Rights

In matters like Google’s unsolicited calls, it’s vital to comprehend your legal rights. Companies can’t infringe on privacy, as it’s guarded by various regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). These protect businesses against certain forms of unsolicited calls, like auto-dials or prerecorded messages, without expressed permission. You’ve also got the right to ask a company, even Google, to stop calling and must respect your request. So, if you’ve asked Google to stop calling your business and the calls persist, it’s potentially a violation of your rights.

Reporting Violations

I advise taking action if Google’s calls continue despite your explicit request to stop. Report such instances directly to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), or your state’s attorney general. When reporting, note down the date, time, and content of each call for evidence. In addition, describe the steps you’ve taken to stop calls. On another note, consider filing a private lawsuit against Google if their calls persist. While this might seem drastic, it underlines the vitality of your business’s integrity and privacy.


So, there you have it. I’ve laid out the roadmap to free your business from the grip of unwanted Google calls. Whether it’s distinguishing between verification and marketing calls, setting up automated systems, training your staff, or understanding your rights under TCPA and FDCPA, you’re now equipped with the tools to reclaim your peace. Don’t forget, you can always report persistent violations to the FTC or CFPB. You’ve even got the power to file a private lawsuit if things get out of hand. It’s all about protecting your business integrity and privacy. Remember, you’re in control. Here’s to a quieter, more productive workspace!

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